Saturday, February 23, 2008

my random thoughts of the moment

Attaining wisdom through all the filth makes ya wonder why you dived into it in the first place. There's a lesson hidden within every mistake and without acknowledgment of your fuck ups - what's the point of learning and growing?

Fear is just an emotional obstacle, in which I believe everyone has the ability to overcome and conquer. I'd rather be Fierce than fearful; its the only way to blaze through this BullShit/Darkness and into the Truthful/Light.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

dab iiyiyuu diva glam: thigh high boots

Ooo, I found the perfect pair of water-proof thigh high boots aka [kaa'jaa'ji'baaw'ma'jii'ni'tuu'ti'naa'yaa'i'ch] with corrosion-resistant heels that can also double as fish harpoons [just stomp on them trouts & pikes] or ice picker for late-winter ice fishing! Je suis tellement prête pour le 'goose break' !!! I think I am in-luv with this pair, kaw... hypnotic gin&tonic footwear~~~

hot tea sippin'

Spring is just around the corner;
Can't wait to sit by the tiipii/miichuwaap fire,

hot tea sippin' and breathin' in the scent of

freshly laid bouse and roasted geese.

Getting hungry just thinking about it! [lol]

Akuuda bidmaa, Good Night.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

fitness quick tip: proper stretching

How to**:

Stretching should be done slowly without bouncing. Stretch to where you feel a slight, easy stretch. Hold this feeling for 5-30 seconds. As you hold it, the sensation of tension should diminish. If it doesn't, just ease off slightly into a more comfortable stretch. It (easy) reduces tension and readies the tissues for the developmental (intermediate) stretch, kaw.

After holding the easy stretch move a fraction on an inch farther into the movement until you feel mild tension should also slightly diminish or stay the same. If the tension increases or becomes painful, you are over-stretching. Ease off a bit to a comfortable position. The developmental stretch reduces tension and will safely increase flexibility. {Remember not to force/rush your body to get to this level (or anything else in your fitness regiment). There is no short cuts to having a healthier bod' + pulled muscles is a painful game and only delays your fitness progress.}

Hold only stretch tensions that feel good to you. The key to stretching is to be relaxed while you concentrate on the area being stretched. Your breathing should be slow, deep and rhythmical. Don't worry about how far you can stretch. Stretch relaxed and limberness will become just one of the many by-products of regular stretching.

**Note: If you've had any recent surgery, muscle or joint problem, please consult your personal health care professional before starting a stretching or exercise program, kaw.

quick quiz: how many times did I type "Stretch"?

Friday, February 1, 2008

one blurry click gone wrong

So as I was attempting to archive the 2006-2007 posts under the influence of... (cough, "juniper-green tea") earlier this week, I deleted the f*&&#$ thing... (ya think I would've learned my lesson from previous experience nah?)

So far, I still have the Cree Word of the Week backups on my newly-revived classic laptop [other Vista Laptop Sux Big Time]. I am going to continue to post new ones, starting next week or so. I think they were also posted somewhere inside bebo istchii. Um, uhh... [lost my thought] Yea! Here's the 2007 collection [.

Akuuda, Wachiya!

[Yes, that's what the definition of cat stated in the cree dictionary!]