Thursday, December 27, 2012
Trickster and His Water 12-27-2012
The Chronicles of Jim Saahuun, Trickster and His Water 12-27-2012:// (part1)
taapaa jikjii pimaatshuu uuwaan misuuwaa jaakawyuu aa wiitaayiitik. "If you laugh at everything and at everyone, one cannot survive in life." - a quote by a Cree Elder, Fundamental Philosophy.
Jim Saahuun: I wonder if I even translated that quote correctly...
Nicki Moisseaux: Got me pondering, even when I offered help to our people; the concept is too ridiculous for them because I am simply female? Trickster is always around, that is for certain. I wonder what the people have been drinking these days?
Nicki Tuuktaan: kushtaachiwin aapuuwii jiishinkaatikinuu aatiiuuhkaanch. [I heard in one of our sacred stories that it was called Fear Water/Drink.]
Jim Saahuun: Best to maanjao back on the moon until they sober up or run out of His Water. Whatever they have been drinking, it also makes them violent should you suggest to take their drink away because it is killing their life and those around them.
Nicki Moisseaux: It is also breaking families, as we have previously studied last semester.
Jacko Jasky thinks and head nods: I understand why Jim Saahuun and Nicki Moisseaux have been sitting on this teaching the longest...
Nicki Moisseaux: Shaash baj mishikaau kuukuumnuu Ophelia Thunderstar... [Our grandmother Ophelia Thunderstar is now arriving by canoe...]
chronicles of Jim Saahuun,
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Jim Saahuun Dreams 12-20-2012
ᐳᐧᐋᒨ ᒋᒥ ᓵᐦᐆᓐ. Puwámú Jim Sáhún.
Jim Saahuun Dreams 12-20-2012
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"Dreamtime" 12-14-2012 |
(He manages to catch his canoe as it started to float away...)
ᑖᓐ ᑳᔨᐦᑏᓐ ᒦᓐ? tán káyihtín mín?
(What were you doing this time?)
ᒌ ᐳᐧᐋᑖᐤ ᒋᑳᐧᐄᓅ; ᓂᐲᒥᑭᓐ ᐱᒫᑎᓰᐧᐃᓐ. chí puwátáo Chikáwínú; nipímikin pimátisíwin.
(I dreamt of our Mother; life is dying/paralyzed.)
ᐧᑳᔑᓂᒫᓐ. káwshinmán.
(She is very sick and almost stands by herself,
I saw it.)
ᑯᔥᑯᓈᑭᓅ ᒋᑳᐧᐄᓅ. kushkunákinú Chikáwínú.
(Whenever one drums the drum,
it awakens our Mother.)
(Let us sing on her behalf,)
ᑖᐧᐋᐦᐄᒑᑖᐤ, táwáhíchátáo,
(let us drum,)
ᐋᑎᔫᐦᒑᑖᐤ, átiyúhchátáo,
(storytellers tell our legends,)
ᓃᒦᔥᑑᐧᐋᑖᐤ; ᒫᒨᐧᐄᐦᑖᐤ. nímíshtúwátáo; mámúwíhtáo.
(let us dance on her behalf; let's get together.)
(Share this grandchild! Now go wake up!) //
#jimsaahuun #dreams #puwaamuu 12-20-2012,
"Jim Saahuun Dreams 12-20-2012" by: @ouwaah / A.T.Sam #ouwaah
chronicles of Jim Saahuun,
nicki moisseaux
Monday, December 17, 2012
ouwaah news: Quebec should support the Cree moratorium on uranium mining
Opinion: Quebec should support Cree moratorium on uranium mining
Read more:
Read more:
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Hard candy wisdom
Although I do not agree with green peace all the time, I like this list of GMOs and it is an easy read. It is a good list of consumable products that we see on grocery shelves. So, the next time you go grocery shopping, take a closer look whether you are feeding yourself and your family GMOs or even request to your market to provide safer foods.
Once, I remember elders say that we rarely got sick with various diseases back in the day because we stuck to our simple and ancient diet that has carried us forward since time immemorial. I use to think that they were simply being cheap with their hard candies when I asked them for síutís then, they would respond back with metaphors and a story or two. I know people back home who drink pop like it's water, I have seen that with my own 4 eyes. Pop is also addictive due to the biochemical reaction between our bodies and the high fructose syrup content found in his carbonated drinks. Consuming pop has also been linked to osteoperosis (decay of bone density). Aspartame (fake sugar substitute) is known to lower IQs, induce apetite (munchies), and induce migraines (first taste of diet pop as a teenager gave me this evidence). Today in íyiyiyu aschích, 9/10 Crees are considered overweight-obese. I continue to work out to manage my own weight and lost 80lbs for the past 5 years by getting to know my body's metabolism and dietary limits. I try my best to balance my food energy input and output with physical activity. We as Crees cannot properly process complex carbohydrates, like bidats (love them but bidatseh don't like my metabolism), and other modern industrialized foods that were altered by industries and we have yet to discover the full extent of our long term health effects. Step by step, we have to apply ethics of what we consume, educate ourselves about the foods we eat today, including industrial meat products. I also ask myself this question of whether our entities would ever consider investing more towards having accessible safer foods to accompany our traditional núchimí diet. And yes, my brain still craves pop from time to time, I admit I miss eating poutine too, and recently got sick from having a can of pop for quick energy. My digestive system paid the price for days. I believe people will be the faster catalyst for improvement.
According to this list provided below, Werthers original candy that my late núkúm use to eat are safe candies that I still enjoy and keep in my messenger bag. Let us all continue to work together to bring overall fitness and wellness back into our daily living as a thriving people; socially, physically, emotionally, intellectually, metaphysically, and philosophically in-tune with our roots in order to reflect a stronger bridge for the next seven generations to build upon. Slowly getting to achieve my own fitness and wellness goal at dab íyiyiyu level; where I could be able to match the strength and endurance of our hunting ancestors by gathering information from our people, our stories, all schools, work, studies, marital arts, philosophy, as a Lemon Cree trainer, life experience, and our pursuit to improve our outcome to thrive as a íyiyiyuj/human beings.
Enjoy your holidays. The love for our food should never disappear. I love to eat good food and share a meal with others. This is a cultural and social basis as Crees and as a family. I was always reminded to give thanks for simply being able to eat food. Stay safe and do not forget to burn off your epic feasts with exercise, stay hydrated with water, sleep well, and share more laughter with loved ones and friends. I am looking forward to sharing (mostly eating than cooking) home cooked meals, rest to recover my injuries (it happens), take in some natural landscape, and to lmao with relatives and friends back in Chaasiipii soon over the break.
I like wethers original candy, beaver, speedy recovery, tea, and more peace throughout aschích for the holidays.
Shopper's guide on how to avoid genetically engineered Food by Green Peace.
Once, I remember elders say that we rarely got sick with various diseases back in the day because we stuck to our simple and ancient diet that has carried us forward since time immemorial. I use to think that they were simply being cheap with their hard candies when I asked them for síutís then, they would respond back with metaphors and a story or two. I know people back home who drink pop like it's water, I have seen that with my own 4 eyes. Pop is also addictive due to the biochemical reaction between our bodies and the high fructose syrup content found in his carbonated drinks. Consuming pop has also been linked to osteoperosis (decay of bone density). Aspartame (fake sugar substitute) is known to lower IQs, induce apetite (munchies), and induce migraines (first taste of diet pop as a teenager gave me this evidence). Today in íyiyiyu aschích, 9/10 Crees are considered overweight-obese. I continue to work out to manage my own weight and lost 80lbs for the past 5 years by getting to know my body's metabolism and dietary limits. I try my best to balance my food energy input and output with physical activity. We as Crees cannot properly process complex carbohydrates, like bidats (love them but bidatseh don't like my metabolism), and other modern industrialized foods that were altered by industries and we have yet to discover the full extent of our long term health effects. Step by step, we have to apply ethics of what we consume, educate ourselves about the foods we eat today, including industrial meat products. I also ask myself this question of whether our entities would ever consider investing more towards having accessible safer foods to accompany our traditional núchimí diet. And yes, my brain still craves pop from time to time, I admit I miss eating poutine too, and recently got sick from having a can of pop for quick energy. My digestive system paid the price for days. I believe people will be the faster catalyst for improvement.
According to this list provided below, Werthers original candy that my late núkúm use to eat are safe candies that I still enjoy and keep in my messenger bag. Let us all continue to work together to bring overall fitness and wellness back into our daily living as a thriving people; socially, physically, emotionally, intellectually, metaphysically, and philosophically in-tune with our roots in order to reflect a stronger bridge for the next seven generations to build upon. Slowly getting to achieve my own fitness and wellness goal at dab íyiyiyu level; where I could be able to match the strength and endurance of our hunting ancestors by gathering information from our people, our stories, all schools, work, studies, marital arts, philosophy, as a Lemon Cree trainer, life experience, and our pursuit to improve our outcome to thrive as a íyiyiyuj/human beings.
Enjoy your holidays. The love for our food should never disappear. I love to eat good food and share a meal with others. This is a cultural and social basis as Crees and as a family. I was always reminded to give thanks for simply being able to eat food. Stay safe and do not forget to burn off your epic feasts with exercise, stay hydrated with water, sleep well, and share more laughter with loved ones and friends. I am looking forward to sharing (mostly eating than cooking) home cooked meals, rest to recover my injuries (it happens), take in some natural landscape, and to lmao with relatives and friends back in Chaasiipii soon over the break.
I like wethers original candy, beaver, speedy recovery, tea, and more peace throughout aschích for the holidays.
Shopper's guide on how to avoid genetically engineered Food by Green Peace.
dab iiyiyuu,
genetically engineered food,
Hard candy wisdom,
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Tips for lower back
Prevent it: You're going to sit. So try these tactics to lessen its impact on your back:
Get up and move at least once every 20 minutes, unless you're driving. Set your screen saver to remind you; make a habit of going for a drink of water; when you answer the phone, stand up to stretch and change positions.
Keep your spine properly aligned by holding reading material at eye level (when sitting or standing) rather than bending over. Don't lean over a desk or table to work. Whenever possible, your spine should be straight.
Choose a chair that supports your back. Adjust the chair so that your feet stay flat on the floor. If the chair doesn't support your lower back's curve, place a rolled towel or small pillow behind your lower back. Remove anything from your back pockets, especially a wallet, if you'll be seated for long periods of time because this puts your spine out of alignment.
Gokhale suggests doing the following exercises to help lengthen your spine:
Get on your hands and knees. Reach your left arm straight ahead and straighten your right leg behind you. Use your stomach muscles to stabilize. Hold for 5-10 seconds and slowly return to starting position. Switch arm and leg. Repeat 3-5 times on each side.
Sit tall, lengthen your spine, and let your shoulders relax. Concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together, keeping your arms hanging at your sides. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then release. Repeat 10-20 times.
Get up and move at least once every 20 minutes, unless you're driving. Set your screen saver to remind you; make a habit of going for a drink of water; when you answer the phone, stand up to stretch and change positions.
Keep your spine properly aligned by holding reading material at eye level (when sitting or standing) rather than bending over. Don't lean over a desk or table to work. Whenever possible, your spine should be straight.
Choose a chair that supports your back. Adjust the chair so that your feet stay flat on the floor. If the chair doesn't support your lower back's curve, place a rolled towel or small pillow behind your lower back. Remove anything from your back pockets, especially a wallet, if you'll be seated for long periods of time because this puts your spine out of alignment.
Gokhale suggests doing the following exercises to help lengthen your spine:
Get on your hands and knees. Reach your left arm straight ahead and straighten your right leg behind you. Use your stomach muscles to stabilize. Hold for 5-10 seconds and slowly return to starting position. Switch arm and leg. Repeat 3-5 times on each side.
Sit tall, lengthen your spine, and let your shoulders relax. Concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together, keeping your arms hanging at your sides. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then release. Repeat 10-20 times.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Learn to crawl
Keep walking forward on your path, even when others flee, flank, try to detour you, or hide away because your path is too bright for them to walk or even stand firm beside you. If you can crawl, then you will eventually learn to walk.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Moving words around in these short texts that I had scribbled for fun tonight. Syntax, shuffle, words, ouwaah
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
jimsaahuun 11192012
Jim Saahuun finally awakes from his coma. His bright eyes open first followed by a soothing deep breath of relief.
![He is awake.] !Shaash winishkaau. - Jimmy Ju
[Help Mother Earth.] Wiichi'haataau Chikaawiinuu.- Jim Saahuun
...walks in with a tray of coffee: [Greetings. What?] Wachiya. aa? - Jim Taayuu
[Help Mother Earth.] Wiichi'haataau Chikaawiinuu. - Jim Saahuun
[How../] taan../ - Don Jichjaan
Save a tree, eat a beaver, and get a beaver hat out of it too. - Nicki Moisseaux
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Mystery Achievement (2012)
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Mystery Achievement 2012 |
#ouwaah #amandatsam
Info: acrylic on mounted canvas: 48inches x 24 inches
title: Mystery Achievement (2012)
(Could not decide on a final title so I picked one from one of my favorite songs by The Pretenders.) I feel very relieved to have completed this project before the end of the year. So unreal, it looks exactly the imagery in my dream. Learned patience due to its lighting requirements, day time, afternoon, sunrise, sunset... Had to make sure the colors are perfect. A must see in person and spend from sunrise to sunset to enjoy its soothing palette.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Test of Patience
#canvasseason #aschiich #amandatsam #ouwaah
Wish I could say it is finished by now but my back says otherwise today. Learning patience will become a virtue...
Wish I could say it is finished by now but my back says otherwise today. Learning patience will become a virtue...
Monday, November 12, 2012
Chronicles of Jim Saahuun 11-12-2012
Updating the cosmos within the Chronicles of Jim Saahuun (11-12-2012)
1-Jim Saahuun
2-Jim Daayuu
3-Nicki Moisseaux
4-Jen Nipii-Oso
5-Dawn Nipii-Oso/Ocean
6-Don Jichjaan
7-Nicki Tuuktaan
8-Mr. Jassu
9-Dr. Jacky Wayne Showagon
10-Jimmy Ju,
11-Apu Jikshao,
12*Bougetah Maa
13*Jacko Jasky
*recent suggestions from one of my readers
chronicles of Jim Saahuun,
jim saahuun,
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Pain reminds you
If you want something out of life, you must give something equal in return. This is the universe we live in. What you have wanted in the past may not be the same as in the present thus, reshaping the future. Some will not recognize this until they are in the future to see the end results of their present actions and sacrifices or lack of. Stand firm on your principles and whatever pain you are going through now will only be a minute memory down the road. Question old principles that do not suit your heart now if you have to, then reaffirm those that strengthen your spirit. Some paths are meant to be running one another parallel for a time and then others are just crossing along our own paths. Pain is part of the natural process.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
James Bay Cree Nation Responds to Licensing Decision of the CanadianNuclear Safety Commission
James Bay Cree Nation Responds to Licensing Decision of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
"On October 17, 2012 the CNSC announced that it would issue a licence to Strateco Resources Inc. to proceed with an advanced exploration project at the Matoush uranium ore body site, located near the Cree community of Mistissini. Strateco Resources Inc.'s project at Matoush is the most advanced proposed uranium project to date in Eeyou Istchee, and also in Quebec."
Click on link to read the response.
"On October 17, 2012 the CNSC announced that it would issue a licence to Strateco Resources Inc. to proceed with an advanced exploration project at the Matoush uranium ore body site, located near the Cree community of Mistissini. Strateco Resources Inc.'s project at Matoush is the most advanced proposed uranium project to date in Eeyou Istchee, and also in Quebec."
Click on link to read the response.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Tonight's Cree verb is:
ᑳᐦᑭᐹᐦᑖᐤ kaahkipaahtaau
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kaahkipaahtaau / source cited: |
(s/he walks with legs apart)
Monday, October 15, 2012
Nikwaasuu piisim 10152012
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© Amanda T. Sam, 2012. "nikiwaasuu piisim"
[click on image for full view]
Scribbles 10152012
on #paper
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
10-12-2012 mumiskwaau
Jimmy Xena iisinihkaasuyu Jimmy Ju maawij kaa jishaayuuwiich uukuss. kiiyaa aakun Jim Taayuu utstaas. Dawn Nipiiocean kiiyaa Jen NipiiOso wiichishaanh.
- “jii mumiskwaau Nicki intaa kaa kipitaayaach” iitaajimuu.
- “Uuwaayuu?” - Jacko Jasky
- “yeataa wash jik wii chischaayimaau tiiwaach...” - Don Jitjaan
- -“Bea Shkush aa?” - J.Jasky
- -”Nimma.” -J.Xena
- -”Bea Skuus aa?” - Dawn NipiiOcean
- -”Ouwaah nimma. Kaa maamaachii maa Dawn...” - Jen Nipii-Oso
- -”Shii taan aa kiiyaa jii intaa maakawj kaa kipitaanuuch Jen?” - Dawn
- -”Neyhey, ... nimma. jii naataashtaau Bea[trix] Shkuush aakaamch wii. Paashuuj injii maanjaanaan niiyaan Jim Taayuu.” - Jen
- -”Shaash tikshtaao nisk utaaihsh.” - Nicki Moisseaux shouting from inside the teepee. Nicki Tuuktaan comes out of the door and gets more firewood from the nearby pile for roasting geese by the fire.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
active verb kutaawaaskupihtaau
run, into, forest
#ouwaah #creelabix #verb #run #into #forest #kutaawaaskupihtaau #cree
#run #into,
random cree verb 10-08-2012
(run naked, streaking)
#random #cree #verb #run #naked #creelabix #ouwaah
Sunday, October 7, 2012
words of wisdom 10-07-2012
I have been pondering over this saying that my late-grandfather RL use to say about listening and I hope I have translated this correctly: "How can you expect the children to listen when they have drank from the milk of a cow [since infancy] rather than from the breast milk of their own mother? It is only when the cow says 'listen', then, they will listen to the cow rather their mother's attempt to get their attention, without any hesitation."
a break in the clouds,
Saturday, October 6, 2012
2010 Project1 Avatar-Colony
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Dawson College:// winter2010/[...]/Project1/Avatar-Colony © Amanda T. Sam, 2010
[Click on image for larger view]
Amanda T Sam,,
computer art,
project 1
Friday, October 5, 2012
words from Nicki Moisseaux 1042012
ᑖᐧᐹᐦ ᒌᒧᑎᓰᐤ ᐊᓐ ᒥᔑᐤ ᐋ ᔒᐅᑖᑦ.
taapwaah chiimutisiiu an mishiu aa shiiutaat.
[For sure it moves secretively in the event that it is hungry.]
ᑳᐧᐄ ᑖᐅᑐᓈᐦᐧᑳᒨᒄ, ᒋᑭ ᐲᐦᑎᑖᐦᔮᐤ ᒦᓐ ᐲᔥᒄ...
kaawii taautunaahkwaamuukw, chiki piihtitaahyaau miin piishkw...
[Do not sleep with your mouths open, for the nighthawk will fly inside again...]
- Nicki Moisseaux
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
ouwaah news: Montrealer of the week Nadine St-Louis
CBC News at 6 / Montrealer of the week (oct1) featured our very awesome curator Nadine St-Louis from Exposition 11 (Onze) Nations :D
(FYI: my Wisdom & Knowledge painting is in the shot: right behind her left shoulder during the interview)
more info on the exhibit go to or check it out in person at the old-port (free admission): 363 rue de la commune est (Marche Bonsecours) / exhibition will there until 2014.
Waachiyaauk kiiyaa jiniskuumitinaawaao jiiwow shaash kaa intuu waahptimaaukw
11 nations,
marche bonsecours,
montrealer of the week,
nadine st-louis,
Monday, October 1, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
ᒦᒋᐧᐋᐦᑉ miichiwaahp 09212012
Archives:// ᒦᒋᐧᐋᐦᑉ miichiwaahp 09212012
![]() | "ᒦᒋᐧᐋᐦᑉ miichiwaahp" (dwelling) © Amanda T. Sam, 2012. |
Amanda T Sam,,
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
@ouwaah news: #recall #groundbeef #northern #store #Ecoli #recall #groundbeef #northern #store #Ecoli
sikipwaau nisk ᓯᑭᐧᐹᐤ ᓂᔅᒃ
© 2007 Amanda T. Sam |
sikipwaau nisk ᓯᑭᐧᐹᐤ ᓂᔅᒃ
(s/he spins and roasts goose on a string by an open fire)
(s/he spins and roasts goose on a string by an open fire)
[Click on image for larger view]
creelabix source cited:
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Photoshop dream sequence 09162012
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Dream Sequence 09162012 by Amanda T. Sam mixed media / photoshop |
Amanda T Sam,
dream sequence,
Thursday, September 6, 2012
special event at 11 NATIONS
le mercredi 12 septembre, 2012
Juan Zapil Xivir and Virginia Ajxup, sages Maya K'iché du Guatemala viennent nous expiquer la significations de la fin du cycle présent du Calendrier Maya Oxlajaj Baktun (13 Baktun)
À l'Exposition Onze Nations situé au 363 de la Commune Est. (contribution voluntaire)
Ceci est un évènement historique pour l'humanité! Soyez au rendez-vous! S.V.P. circulez cette information!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Juan Zapil Xivir Ajxup and Virginia, elders K'iché Maya of Guatemala will explain what are the significant meanings of the end of the current cycle of the Mayan Calendar Oxlajaj Baktun (13 Baktun)
At the Exhibition Eleven Nations located at 363 de la Commune East. (voluntary donations)
This is a historic event for humanity! Be there! S.V.P. circulate this information!
le mercredi 12 septembre, 2012
Juan Zapil Xivir and Virginia Ajxup, sages Maya K'iché du Guatemala viennent nous expiquer la significations de la fin du cycle présent du Calendrier Maya Oxlajaj Baktun (13 Baktun)
À l'Exposition Onze Nations situé au 363 de la Commune Est. (contribution voluntaire)
Ceci est un évènement historique pour l'humanité! Soyez au rendez-vous! S.V.P. circulez cette information!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Juan Zapil Xivir Ajxup and Virginia, elders K'iché Maya of Guatemala will explain what are the significant meanings of the end of the current cycle of the Mayan Calendar Oxlajaj Baktun (13 Baktun)
At the Exhibition Eleven Nations located at 363 de la Commune East. (voluntary donations)
This is a historic event for humanity! Be there! S.V.P. circulate this information!
11 nations,
mayan calendar,
Monday, September 3, 2012
Epic detours
In this world, very few women can make me dance; let alone being in dead centre of the crosshairs of 72,000 people on the plains of Abraham and watching both her on-and-off-stage shows simultaneously in Montreal as well. That is my biggest dance floor on my list so far.
Merci beaucoup à Madonna, the Queens who made my end summer celebrations just... ouwaah!
These past 7 years have been so intense on every level; surviving death by cocaine therefore die another day, reconnecting with my roots, crossing paths with old and new friends, mending forgotten bridges - then simply walking away from others, pursuing my academic studies, learning that I am only human and my body can only take so much of my waasaam work ethic. To be still alive at 30 is the greatest blessing and gift straight from this universe's divine heart. My 20s was so crazy like playing Russian roulette with the devil himself. Dickees naa?
I have finally chosen to listen to my dreams, my exhausted body, including my heart's unspoken words of what I want out of this crazy dream called life; thus being even more inspired to work even harder at making my dreams and creative thoughts happen. As they should be.
I may not be considered even worthy through the eyes of most however, all I have to walk with is truth which is the collection of the ancestors stories, the love for my siblings & my closest friends - near and miles away, my health, my dreams, and of course, my dancing shoes kaw. My bundle is definitely peace of mind or sheer stupidity. Not sure which one it is yet...
So it is time to return to life as a full time university student and as an artist. I am after all, a human being who seems to enjoy this journey of what life's detours can offer.
In the words of Bob Marley: Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold... :)
Merci beaucoup à Madonna, the Queens who made my end summer celebrations just... ouwaah!
These past 7 years have been so intense on every level; surviving death by cocaine therefore die another day, reconnecting with my roots, crossing paths with old and new friends, mending forgotten bridges - then simply walking away from others, pursuing my academic studies, learning that I am only human and my body can only take so much of my waasaam work ethic. To be still alive at 30 is the greatest blessing and gift straight from this universe's divine heart. My 20s was so crazy like playing Russian roulette with the devil himself. Dickees naa?
I have finally chosen to listen to my dreams, my exhausted body, including my heart's unspoken words of what I want out of this crazy dream called life; thus being even more inspired to work even harder at making my dreams and creative thoughts happen. As they should be.
I may not be considered even worthy through the eyes of most however, all I have to walk with is truth which is the collection of the ancestors stories, the love for my siblings & my closest friends - near and miles away, my health, my dreams, and of course, my dancing shoes kaw. My bundle is definitely peace of mind or sheer stupidity. Not sure which one it is yet...
So it is time to return to life as a full time university student and as an artist. I am after all, a human being who seems to enjoy this journey of what life's detours can offer.
In the words of Bob Marley: Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold... :)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
La Paix Des Graves. The Peace of the Serious 2010
Been closely studying this mixed media work I did back in 2010 at Dawson College. I am finally beginning to understand this narrative... 2010:/ mixed media
Title: "La Paix des Graves." (The Peace of the Serious) 2010:/ mixed media
Title: "La Paix des Graves." (The Peace of the Serious)
Mixed media,
peace of the serious
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Computer Art: Photoshop CS6 Paintbrushes scribbles 08112012
Testing out the different paint brushes on Photoshop CS6 using my pen tablet. 08112012
Click on image for full-view.
Akuuda Wachiya, nii ATS
Click on image for full-view.
Akuuda Wachiya, nii ATS
computer art,
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
The roots of Jim (James) Saahuun
From my portfolio...
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Amanda T. Sam [Page 2] "A Day in the Life of A Daydreamer" (2010) |
Jim (James) Saahuun made his first ever appearance in one of
my art book projects titled "A Day in the Life of A Daydreamer."
(Amanda T. Sam, Dawson College. Artists Books & Graphic Novels. Winter, 2010. Print. Page 2)
This is one of the excerpts from the art book project.
Again in another project for another course... "Insomnia" (2010)
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Amanda T. Sam, "Insomnia" (2010) |
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The Chronicles of Jim Saahuun update 07-11-2012
I have neglected Jim Saahuun for a season, school is another full-time job itself... he is still in a coma kaw. I am working as a journalist again this summer. Another school of storytelling itself.
Mostly, I have been working on this narrative project offline; on paper and pen whenever I get the chance to sit down and think creatively.
During the winter semester at Concordia University, is where the last recent episode actually took place in an academic paper/ creative art book format for my First Peoples Sacred Stories course; where (James) Jim Taayuu presented his presentation just right after their near-fatal accident which landed Jim Saahuun in a coma. Fusing traditional and western philosophy was quite the headache however, it is workable and educational. It seems like every new episode that I write becomes even larger with every word spoken, then written, then translated, then painted. The more the setting needs the space to be created, the more time this narrative needs to flourished properly, and the histories of the characters take root even deeper than what I have initially conceived.
I am beginning to illustrate some of the characters, mostly creating Mr Saahuun, in order to give face to faceless characters and to aid me visualize their interactions. (I will need reference models pretty soon.)
This narrative project has been developing and growing on me as a storyteller for the past decade or so and I am determined to continue creating this project until it's manifested in its entirety as I originally dreamt it at the beginning.
I would like to thank all of my teachers, family, friends, even strangers that I have met along the way, who have either discouraged me (we all need motivational reasons), others who encouraged me to be creative, in mind, in spirit, on canvas, on paper, or in any or every other medium that I have been using since I began on this journey as a human being and as a Storyteller from birth. Words of encouragement are important, whether they are directed to an adult, a child, or youth, or even an elder. You all know who you are, mishtii jiniskuumitinaawao.
Akuuda, Wachiya. nii Amanda T. Sam
Mostly, I have been working on this narrative project offline; on paper and pen whenever I get the chance to sit down and think creatively.
During the winter semester at Concordia University, is where the last recent episode actually took place in an academic paper/ creative art book format for my First Peoples Sacred Stories course; where (James) Jim Taayuu presented his presentation just right after their near-fatal accident which landed Jim Saahuun in a coma. Fusing traditional and western philosophy was quite the headache however, it is workable and educational. It seems like every new episode that I write becomes even larger with every word spoken, then written, then translated, then painted. The more the setting needs the space to be created, the more time this narrative needs to flourished properly, and the histories of the characters take root even deeper than what I have initially conceived.
I am beginning to illustrate some of the characters, mostly creating Mr Saahuun, in order to give face to faceless characters and to aid me visualize their interactions. (I will need reference models pretty soon.)
This narrative project has been developing and growing on me as a storyteller for the past decade or so and I am determined to continue creating this project until it's manifested in its entirety as I originally dreamt it at the beginning.
I would like to thank all of my teachers, family, friends, even strangers that I have met along the way, who have either discouraged me (we all need motivational reasons), others who encouraged me to be creative, in mind, in spirit, on canvas, on paper, or in any or every other medium that I have been using since I began on this journey as a human being and as a Storyteller from birth. Words of encouragement are important, whether they are directed to an adult, a child, or youth, or even an elder. You all know who you are, mishtii jiniskuumitinaawao.
Akuuda, Wachiya. nii Amanda T. Sam
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
ouwaah news: Uranium Exploration: Mistissini Says "No" and Calls for a Moratorium
In his oral presentation at the hearings, Chief Shecapio explained that the Crees «have always been the guardians and protectors of the land and will continue to be. For the Crees of Mistissini, the land is a school of its own and the resources of the land are the material and supplies they need. Cree traplines are the classrooms. What is taught on these traplines to the youth is the Cree way of life, which means living in harmony with nature. This form of education ensures ou survival as a people. Any form of education that leads to survival is a high standard of education. Cree form of education teaches us to be humble, respectful, responsible, disciplined, independent, sharing and compassionate ».
Sunday, May 13, 2012
random saturday night brain fart
Before we are born into this world,
Our first home,
is no other than the ark of our mother's womb.
Between life and death,
they fight for our right,
to have our first breath in this world,
they light the way for us to exist,
shelter us during our life’s storms,
some still cannot comprehend this fundamental human philosophy.
Motherhood/Uukaawiimaawin is a role earned: setting aside your own ego selfish needs in order to become a child's ark, protector, nurturer, and teacher, until they grow enough to become healthy human beings.
Every human being remembers the people that took on the role of Uukaawiimaawin during their childhood, even orphans.
If it were not for jikaawinuuj in our lives, Life will simply self-destruct.
So I end this random Saturday night brain fart with by wishing you all of you a delightful Happy Mother’s Day!
Especially MILFij kiyaa ;)
Our first home,
is no other than the ark of our mother's womb.
Between life and death,
they fight for our right,
to have our first breath in this world,
they light the way for us to exist,
shelter us during our life’s storms,
some still cannot comprehend this fundamental human philosophy.
Motherhood/Uukaawiimaawin is a role earned: setting aside your own ego selfish needs in order to become a child's ark, protector, nurturer, and teacher, until they grow enough to become healthy human beings.
Every human being remembers the people that took on the role of Uukaawiimaawin during their childhood, even orphans.
If it were not for jikaawinuuj in our lives, Life will simply self-destruct.
So I end this random Saturday night brain fart with by wishing you all of you a delightful Happy Mother’s Day!
Especially MILFij kiyaa ;)
Friday, April 27, 2012
Random Friday Brain Fart
if only the majority of our Cree youth shared the same feverish collective enthusiasm towards real issues that matter; which concern our people's wellbeing and our territory's future just as they go apeshit over hockey playoffs, poutine, pin night, and lest we forget, cough* Nickelb@ck shows. I see clearly that brilliant potential in where everyone can stand peacefully together to voice our nation's spirit. Sit like an owl long enough, you can grasp a glance of the bigger picture. Just a random Friday brain fart.
brain fart,
random thought of the moment
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
04252012 words
Never mind a woman/man that lives in fear, because she/he will only bring the gift of tears for your soul. #ouwaah #hunterphilosophy
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
04232012 Words
and lovers,
may come and go like the winds but,
knowing from your lessons learned is better than a kingdom filled with all the diamonds in the universe,
Purest of jeweled silver,
and the most brightest crown made of gold.
While heartbreaks,
can always be renewed,
like the sun rises after darkest night,
the journey of recovering,
are always worth the pain;
because it rebuilds your strength as a stronger, more adaptable human being. //04232012
and lovers,
may come and go like the winds but,
knowing from your lessons learned is better than a kingdom filled with all the diamonds in the universe,
Purest of jeweled silver,
and the most brightest crown made of gold.
While heartbreaks,
can always be renewed,
like the sun rises after darkest night,
the journey of recovering,
are always worth the pain;
because it rebuilds your strength as a stronger, more adaptable human being. //04232012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Scribbling words 04192012
Painted with all of my best,
Heart still beats within my chest,
Creative thoughts are tempest,
So it is Time to get some rest,
and dream of ways to conquer life's tests.
Life is full of abundant breasts.
Akuuda, good night!
Heart still beats within my chest,
Creative thoughts are tempest,
So it is Time to get some rest,
and dream of ways to conquer life's tests.
Life is full of abundant breasts.
Akuuda, good night!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Chronicles of Jim Saahuun 04-01-2012 part 1
Dandaa maak kawch iishin'kaataakinuuwich Nicki Moisseaux, Nicki Tuuktaan, kiiyaa Don(ald) Jitjaan indaa baaj uutaach baaikaw aa maamuuwii ich aa niipiniich... [How they got their nicknames that one summer...]
The following are excerpts from their acceptance letters from the very successful Miiyuupimaatisiiwin INTENSIVE SUMMER PROGRAM @ Shaapuwaasaayaao Pimaatisiiwin Foundation at the coastal Campus University in Istchii.
“[sic]…Rebuilding the circle which has revolved around existence since time immemorial which suddenly became contorted into a gridlock colonized-unbalanced-pyramid for a time, then where it later crumbled back down to grains of sand to be conquered through each step forward known by Peace, once the Stars came down to Istchii in order to help the people remember the way back to the timeless circle of being…
Ensuring the spirit of the human being is respected while remaining balanced and fully conscious within its cosmos while decolonizing the spiritual, emotional, physical, psychological, and social consequences where colonization, the Indian Act and its subsequent residual aftermaths, has deeply fragmented a multigenerational gap of violence, massive social discrimination against the Rainbow Clan, perpetuated chaos that hinders Miiyuupimaatisiiwin for all Iiyiyuuch. Its primary humanitarian mandate is to restore its balance with great ethical consideration of Shaapuwaasaayaao Pimaatisiiwin WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE Principles through the Northern Door White Goose Education Act; without promoting any forms of discrimination to any students’ background (on or off territory), capacities to speak or understand the language of Our Ancestors, universal rights of being human in a natural world or stated otherwise, kaw.
- Dr. Atkinson, M.D, Ph.D, Founder of Shaapuwaasaayaao Pimaatisiiwin Foundation
We are pleased to offer you admissions into our [sic]… Here at Shaapuwaasaayaao Pimaatisiiwin Foundation, we believe it is never too late or too early to cultivate the mind, body and spirit of the Dab Iiyiyuu within and to promote peace. Note: Any previous credits from previous semesters in other related programs can be transferred towards your current program. Please review the guidelines and ethical policies again for what is required* for your stay, such as outdoor gear and etc., at our Coastal Campus guide website once you log into your account [URL LINK].”
Aashikuum aa niipich, Shaapuwaasaayaao Pimaatisiiwin Foundation jii uutaaskuunaao uutsiniijuu jaa jii its`kuutimaasuuwii`ch Miiyuupimaatisiiwin [SUMMER INSTENSIVE PROGRAM] intaa wiinuupaaku’ch…
Akuut maak kaat uutch’jipiiyiich Donald Jitjaan uu jitjaauun, kiiyaa Nicki Moisseaux niishtim kaa kuujipuuwaat Mishishuu Iiyiyuu. Nimauj paaiik auch iitaaii’tuumj kiiyaa jaa maamuu taaoshkaatuuj uuyaa Wiikupiishaakin Maaskinaayuu… [This is where Donald Jitjaan's jitjaauun began, also Nicki Moisseaux encounters the Saber Tooth. None would expect to cross paths on the Rainbow Road...]
Aashikuum aat uutaaokshiij, kaa jii maamuu pimshkaaj naataa aakaamch siibiich Jaymsheej (James Saahuun & James Taayuu), Nickeej (Moisseaux & Mishishuu), Jaaskeej (Dawn Nipii-Oso & Donald Jitjaan), kiiyaa injii KaaJeesij (Jennifer Nipii-Oso & Roxy Atkinson-Thunderstar).
Mishuu kaa daaj aakaam’ch, miin kaat maanjaaj uu maa’ki’hiimwow, aakuunj Jaymsheej kaa jii kuutuuwaaj intaa naaspaatimch aa siniiau’kaaich.
Teeyuu kaa wisik Roxy kiiyaa kaa jii aaii’kuunaa’jaao Jen. [Roxy boils tea and Jen is making bannock.]
Tiiwaa’ch kaw wii kaat jis’tuutaat Nicki (Moisseaux) naataa tuuk’taaoch kaa siniiau’kaaij uujeeyuu. Waanjisjit uu niimuutaan. Muuk uu wiiuutish, uu misinaapiskihiikin, kiiyaa uutaatipuun jii ti’kuunuum.
Nicki Mishishuu kiiyaa Donald jii intuuwaapituumij mit’ bititaa intaa mishtuukskaaich…
They reached the firewood cache area, slightly further away from the campsite, both start uncovering the tarp which covered the firewood cache and start splitting the logs in half as they prepare the quart needed to cook supper. Miss Mishishuu has had a crush on Donald since the first year of their program but never expressed her feelings until the perfect moment where she asks him the paradoxical question:
-“Aye, shjisjin aa niishtim kaa jiskuutimaasuuwiik uut SPFU…” says Mishishuu to Donald in a nervous tone.
-“Neyhey. Saash muuk naauu ipuun naa…” Yuu Donald as he pauses from splitting wood beside Mishishuu work area to wipe the sweat off his perfectly maintained brows.
- Asserting her composure then steps forward with her perky chest out, “jik kawjimtin maa jaakawn.”
- She finally pops the paradoxical question; “Nicki Tuuktaan maa?”
-“Neyhey. Saash muuk naauu ipuun naa…” Yuu Donald as he pauses from splitting wood beside Mishishuu work area to wipe the sweat off his perfectly maintained brows.
- Asserting her composure then steps forward with her perky chest out, “jik kawjimtin maa jaakawn.”
- She finally pops the paradoxical question; “Nicki Tuuktaan maa?”
Donald suddenly becomes nervous with uncertainty yet confusingly excited because he never received this favour from anyone before, especially from such a gorgeous human being like Miss Mishishuu.
- Donald head nods “mm” in accordance; they begin awkwardly making out with Mishishuu jumping the eager lead. Then she goes for the beaded belt buckle, Donald is overcome by a surging waking energy, turning his state into a feverish nauseating vertigo effect which made him react by pushing her away, screaming out loud, from him as he graciously twirled around to vomit then lose consciousness in a stylish dramatic manner.
The rest of the gang at the campsite overheard the scream and ran towards their direction. They find Nicki sitting on the ground with a blank expression on her face, and right beside was Donald’s gracious but unconscious body. She explains what just happened and they all started rolling on the ground laughing as Donald slowly comes back to reality with a new sense of being. Thus this is how Nicki Mishishuu became Nicki Tuuktaan and Don Jitjaan, well, found his inner jitjaauun.
Jaymsheej assist Don back on his feet and they made their way back to the campsite with firewood. Miss Mishishuu feels somewhat upset at the whole confusing ordeal, failing to realize that her crush eventually led to helping him discover his way to the Wiikupiishaakin Maaskinaao, her bruised ego prompts her to go take a hike to cool off her embarrassment and notices that Nicki Moisseaux forgot her bag by the portage path. She picks up Nicki’s niimuutaan along with some fresh bannock, a thermos filled with fresh tea and heads up towards the hill where the Jiishuu’k SPFU observatory is setup. // part 1 of 2
- written by: Amanda T. Sam, @ouwaah
- date of episode: April 1, 2012 time: 10h31 ET (908 words)
for "The Chronicles of Jim Saahuun"
published on:
- date of episode: April 1, 2012 time: 10h31 ET (908 words)
for "The Chronicles of Jim Saahuun"
published on:
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Last Medicine. Fearlessness (2010)
Was digging up my sketch pad and found this amongst my draft projects from 2010. - ATS :)
Medium: oil pastels on Manila paper
Medium: oil pastels on Manila paper
Amanda T Sam,
last medicine,
oil pastels,
2009 sculpture project (plaster)
This one is the 2nd version that I had to sculpt within a week because I dropped the first one when I wanted to submit it for grading. Never hurts to try again :)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Auksh maa nik tipaajimaao ipshiish Jim Saahuun...
Aayuuk aat jistuutaaj Nicki Moisseaux kiiyaa Jim (James) Taayuu aa intuuwaapmaaj wiijaawaakinwow, Jim (James) Saahuun intik’uuwiinikuumikuuch.
Nicki - "Don nuuwii moisseaux Juan.
Nimuuwii muuk Ms Jaaskii.
Daw nuukshtaasuu.”
Taayuu - “Jaakawyaauk auch uukshtit?
Naashch maak aa miiyuushid.” Nicki - “Injii paatimawn aajii nip’haat uuwaayuu baaiikaw aajii taatipuuwaat uutaashtuumkiyii’ch...
Auk maaoj aa uukstaatuuksiit aa intuuhuut iitaakinuu kiiyaa ‘taw suutsiisuu."
Taayuu - “Ouwaah... Ms Jaaskee aa? Shtaapawn aa?”
[Jimmy Ju intersects with both of them at the crosswalk as he is also on his way to go see his nephew]
Nicki - “Neyhey, jawpmit, jaa kawjimt Jim.
Jisjit aa kaw muuk inyaa kaituutaakuut nuuchimii’ch kaataaj...”
Taayuu & Moisseaux LOL
Jimmy Ju - “Kaawiitaaiimaau’k jiijshaanwow.
Jawpmao aa kaa piikuunmiich uuskuut kaa kawkawpii’taakuut maakawj kaa maanjaaj nuuchimmiich.”
// 02-07-2012
Aayuuk aat jistuutaaj Nicki Moisseaux kiiyaa Jim (James) Taayuu aa intuuwaapmaaj wiijaawaakinwow, Jim (James) Saahuun intik’uuwiinikuumikuuch.
Nicki - "Don nuuwii moisseaux Juan.
Nimuuwii muuk Ms Jaaskii.
Daw nuukshtaasuu.”
Taayuu - “Jaakawyaauk auch uukshtit?
Naashch maak aa miiyuushid.” Nicki - “Injii paatimawn aajii nip’haat uuwaayuu baaiikaw aajii taatipuuwaat uutaashtuumkiyii’ch...
Auk maaoj aa uukstaatuuksiit aa intuuhuut iitaakinuu kiiyaa ‘taw suutsiisuu."
Taayuu - “Ouwaah... Ms Jaaskee aa? Shtaapawn aa?”
[Jimmy Ju intersects with both of them at the crosswalk as he is also on his way to go see his nephew]
Nicki - “Neyhey, jawpmit, jaa kawjimt Jim.
Jisjit aa kaw muuk inyaa kaituutaakuut nuuchimii’ch kaataaj...”
Taayuu & Moisseaux LOL
Jimmy Ju - “Kaawiitaaiimaau’k jiijshaanwow.
Jawpmao aa kaa piikuunmiich uuskuut kaa kawkawpii’taakuut maakawj kaa maanjaaj nuuchimmiich.”
// 02-07-2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
01-31-12 random thought
Last night's sporadic nap is quite insufficient,
Your energy and sleep both Interdependent,
Then Coffee becomes a lifeline only being temporarily efficient,
Previews of dreams residue resilient,
Ever more my greatest desire is none other than my bed - the most convenient paradise - which is a dreamer's temporal covenant.
Your energy and sleep both Interdependent,
Then Coffee becomes a lifeline only being temporarily efficient,
Previews of dreams residue resilient,
Ever more my greatest desire is none other than my bed - the most convenient paradise - which is a dreamer's temporal covenant.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
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