Sunday, May 13, 2012

random saturday night brain fart

Before we are born into this world,
Our first home,
is no other than the ark of our mother's womb.
Between life and death,
they fight for our right,
to have our first breath in this world,
they light the way for us to exist,
shelter us during our life’s storms,
some still cannot comprehend this fundamental human philosophy.
Motherhood/Uukaawiimaawin is a role earned: setting aside your own ego selfish needs in order to become a child's ark, protector, nurturer, and teacher, until they grow enough to become healthy human beings.
Every human being remembers the people that took on the role of Uukaawiimaawin during their childhood, even orphans.
If it were not for jikaawinuuj in our lives, Life will simply self-destruct.
So I end this random Saturday night brain fart with by wishing you all of you a delightful Happy Mother’s Day!

Especially MILFij kiyaa ;)