Saturday, March 30, 2013

Computer Art: 03-30-2013

project title: Sweet Grass & Roses
03-30-2013, click on image for larger view

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Computer Art: March 20 2013

Winter is over! :) 
wachiya - ATS
Amanda T. Sam. "03/20-2013" (72DPI 1000 x 1000 px)
click on image for larger view

Photoshop, CS6
original: 30 x 30 inches
Title: 03/20-2013
date: March 20, 2013
// practising more with digital paintbrushes and layering.
image sources: got the birds and bear from the WWW.
drawing (left), trees, camo moss strokes, and photo (furthest layer) by me.
@iiyiyiyu (IG)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Computer Art: 03-05-2013

Amanda T. Sam, 03-05-2013
click on image for larger view
Trying out new bristle paintbrushes on illustrator and photoshop. wachiya, -ats

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Computer Art: 03-02-2013

Amanda T. Sam, Computer Art: 03-02-2013
click on image for larger view.